Latest Past Events

Lords vs Ladies annual Boxing Day Rugby Game

Lordswood Sports and Social Club Northdane Way, Chatham

Boxing day fun for the whole family. You've eaten your fill of Christmas food, drunk your festive drinks, opened a mountain of presents, now it's boxing day but you don't…

Rochester and Paris joined at the HIPS

On the 2nd September 2022, seven intrepid cyclists are taking on the challenge of cycling between two cathedrals. After some consideration it was decided these should be Rochester Cathedral in England and Notre-Dame in Paris.

The 400+ kilometre ride will take the riders from Rochester, through Le Touquet and Beauvais before arriving in Paris. Split across three days the ride will test the cycling ability and endurance of each rider.

I’m sure you will join us in wishing our riders all the best for their travels. Nothing shows your support more than donating to the fundraiser. Let’s put our pounds to their pedals and get them all the way to Paris.